Thursday, June 4, 2009

Supreme Court Antics

Obama's first nomination to the Supreme Court has turned out to be more than a little controversial. Sotomayor has made some remarks and authored some opinions that ruffle a few feathers and the response from conservatives has irked some democrats. One thing that I think has been overlooked in the media is, what exactly should we expect of Supreme Court Justices, political party aside?

One thing that I think the majority of Americans would agree on is that we want someone that does not rule based on personal bias, but based on what the law says. It is true that the law has many gray areas, but at its core the court is supposed to simply uphold the laws enacted by Congress. Sotomayor's comments and record are a little conflicting here and I think she should have to answer some questions. Some of her comments might suggest that she has allowed personal bias to have an undue influence on her rulings, but in other cases she adhered strictly to the letter of the law. We just need a little clarification.

I don't agree with many of her viewpoints, but I think that calling her a racist is a bit much. There is a lot of skepticism about her and rightfully so. Our Senators have their work cut out for them and let us hope they up to the challenge because once confirmed Supreme Court Justices are difficult to get rid of.

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