Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monday Must Read


I missed a few weeks, but this week is full of stuff you just have to read!

"If democrats tax health benefits...," this post on The Lonely Conservative discusses how Democrats are considering taxing your employer health care contributions unless you are a member of a union.

"House Passes Climate Bill," from the Wall Street Journal June 27th edition. Yes it is true in the midst of this recession the house passed the largest tax increase in American history. Read up on this! Also, check out this related article from Fox News.

"Americans Increasingly Skeptical of Obama's...," this Fox News article talks about the impacts of Obama's huge deficits on public opinion plus its got this great photo of him!

If you have been wondering how we got into this mess, why our efforts don't seem to be getting us out, and how to prevent such problems in the future then you should definitely read Meltdown by Thomas E. Woods Jr.

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