Friday, September 3, 2010

Jobless Rate Hits 9.6%

The August unemployment rate is up to 9.6% from 9.5% which has many people questioning the policies the Obama administration has put in place. The administration has pursued a policy of massive spending, coupled with small targeted tax breaks, and large new social programs and regulation as its general economic strategy.

This is exactly what the economy doesn't need! All the new social programs and regulation just stifle business by forcing business-owners to try to comprehend all the new costs and hurdles they have to deal with it.

Generally, spending has some stimulative effect, but the level of debt the US has incurred is dangerous to our future and so the stimulative effects of spending may be partly or entirely off-set by declines in private spending and investment caused by fear/uncertainty.

Tax reductions would probably help, but without cuts in spending they only worsen the debt problem of our government. Also - what our economy really needs is massive tax overhaul not just minor cuts/deductions.

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