Saturday, May 22, 2010 - Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona

The Arizona immigration law is definitely getting lots of media attention (though if you look at the percentage of Americans that believe it is the right thing to do you could hardly call it divisive). Apparently though Homeland Security's ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is now saying they will not necessarily enforce the law by accepting people arrested under this Arizona law.

The whole point behind the Arizona law is that illegal immigration is costing the state a huge amount of money and the federal government is policing the immigration laws very poorly (read "basically not at all"). Now the federal agency charged with enforcing this law is saying they won't do anything even if the state does all the investigation and hands the illegals over to them. This is nuts! Only in government would you be able to get away with that kind of attitude and still have a job. We need to change the leadership of this nation to get idiots like the ones running ICE out of there. What they heck is the point of a law that will not be enforced?

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