Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Terror In The Skies

Another person tried to blow up another plane. This time he failed...

The insane thing about all this is that now riding on a plane will be even more difficult than it is now. Security will be extra tight and in 3 months we will be where we are today again until someone else does something stupid. The major question is how safe should we strive to be? At what point does the task of getting through security and complying with rules while in the air make flying so difficult that no one will want to do it. I dare say that for anyone with small children that point is probably now.

I am all for being safe and preventing terror, but for all the measures we have taken how much safer are we truly. It seems that for all of our stronger security measures we are not really that much safer...because you see we lack the will to do what must be done to be truly safe. In the interests of being politically correct we do not put additional scrutiny on passengers from nations that tend to be originators of terrorists. Until we will dedicate ourselves entirely all we get are frustrations and minor improvements in security.

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