Saturday, September 26, 2009

Iran's Nuclear Aspirations

The cat is out of the bag and I must say I am unsurprised. Iran has a secret uranium enrichment facility - of course it's only for peaceful purposes. Which if that were true then one might ask: why was it secret?

Iran will likely be a nuclear power in short order if something is not done to stop them and the US, Britain, and France are not too happy about it - not to mention Israel. Israel has repeatedly warned that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons over the years and guess what they were right. I for one don't find this surprising at all I mean if I were Israel and was located close to a country ruled by a dictator who had publicly called for my annihilation I would make it business to know if that nation had or was trying to build nuclear weapons.

No surprise either that Israel is not ruling out the possibility of preemptive strikes against Iran perhaps all the more so since our President announced he doesn't support Israel fully. This is one international issue that could quickly become a military situation and I question the qualifications of our President on this one.

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