Friday, May 8, 2009

Education Anyone?

In "The Lonely Conservative" there was an interesting post about Obama's proposal to end the Washington D.C. school voucher program. (Click here to read it or watcht the video below.) This program was actually showing promise, student test scores were up and the cycle of under performance seemed to be broken. It is interesting that Obama would decide to scrap such a successful program so quietly, perhaps it is related to the teacher's union opposing the program (they were big Obama supporters during the campaign).

American schools are so far behind the rest of the developed world that it is not only embarrassing, but actually threatens to undermine our competitiveness and economic success. The D.C. voucher program was proving that school vouchers could work not just to send public school students to private schools, but also in spurring public schools to catch up. I think it is telling that most congressmen send their children to private schools.

Oh, well, what is the educational future of America's youth when compared to political campaign spoils!

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