Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama's Foreign Policy

The recent extended foreign policy trip by President Obama has so many implications, most of them negative, for America in the near future. This clip of an interview of Newt Gingrich by Sean Hannity does a pretty good job of summing up the issues.

It is incredible that an American President would so clearly imply that America is at fault for most of the current global economic crisis. Obama apologized his way across Europe and got nothing in return. Perhaps the most ridiculous part is Obama's bow to the King of Saudi Arabia. Now I for one don't really see it as a problem if an American President wants to bow to the leader of another nation out of respect. Particularly in Saudi Arabia where this is the custom. The thing that really pushes my buttons is the fact that Obama's administration seems to feel they must lie about this and blame the height differential. Seriously, I don't buy that - but check it out for yourself.

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