Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Deteriorating State of Mexico

Our neighbor to the south seems to slowly slipping into complete chaos. Mexico's security and law enforcement continue to deteriorate - particularly along the U.S. border where drug and gang related violence have caused massive spikes in the murder rate. Corruption also plagues the government...recently it seems prison officials used prisoners as executioners. The U.S. needs to start thinking long and hard about what a lawless Mexico means for our national security.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gov. Christie

Just watch and enjoy!

Mexico Allowed to Submit Brief on AZ Immigration Law

A federal judge ruled that Mexico's brief can be considered in the law suit pending against AZ's new immigration law. This is insane...AZ is a state in the United States of America not Mexico, the court case is filed in U.S. Federal Court not Mexico...allowing Mexico to have a say on U.S. law regarding illegal immigration from Mexico into the U.S. is ludicrous. Mexico has no right nor legal standing to be able to voice it's opinion about our laws in our courts! Mexico has tacitly allowed and supported the flow of illegals into the U.S. in violation of our territorial sovereignty.  This is nuts!

Supreme Court Alters Major Federal Prosecution Tool

The Supreme Court recently issued a trio of unanimous rulings that limited the governments ability to bring charges under certain federal laws. The rulings limit prosecutor's ability to stretch the definition of laws against "depriving others of one's 'honest services.'" The high court held that it violated due process because by stretching the definition the federal government had blurred the lines between criminal and non-criminal behavior. Finally - some justice!

Supreme Court Gun Ruling Binding

Elena Kagan, Obama's Supreme Court nominee, indicated that she felt the Supreme Court's ruling regarding gun rights was binding precedent. At least she knows that much about judiciary...

Crazy Congressman

A California congressman mocks his constituents at a town hall style meeting. It is truly amazing how arrogant and completely insensitive he is to the concerns of the people he represents. This man has clearly forgotten that as an elected representative his job is to be the people's voice in government.