Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Must Read


"The Fed Will Be In No Rush To Raise Rates," Business Week June 1st edition. This week's Business Outlook column provides an interesting take on where we are heading. In two of my recent posts, "The Economy and You" and "The Economic Outlook," I have noted that there are very real inflation risks. The article points out how capacity figures into the mix and where the author thinks the Fed is headed.

This week there has been a lot of news about North Korean missle tests and nuclear programs. This is defintely something everyone should watch in the coming weeks and months. The news is all over the place so I don't have a specific article.

"Someone Must Pay for Health Reform," Business Week June 1st edition. This article points out that almost everyone agrees the current system sucks, but no one wants to take any action. The reason is that no one wants to pay for it - there are really only 3 ways to pay for it and they are all unpaletable for one reason or another.

I am currently reading a book that I would reccommend everyone read. It's "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell. So pick it up at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or your local library!

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